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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2011 12:01pm-12:31pm EDT

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role in the scandal in front of parliament we're seeing more and more that everybody in the public eye is implicated in this scandal really more and more people being implicated when commissioner stevenson resigned he really stuck the knife into prime minister david cameron and he said that the prime minister's relationship with the former news of the world editor and christian who of course he hired to work with him made it difficult to disclose certain facts to the prime minister about the phone hacking and he also didn't tell the prime minister about the employer the employment of neil wallis who's that former executive director of the news of the world as a consultant to the police for fear of compromising david cameron now that obviously puts cameron very much in the spotlight we've also seen boris johnson the mayor of london who is supposed to be in charge of the metropolitan police are answering some very difficult questions from journalists in a news conference just a little bit earlier so of course what we see here in the u.k. is first people losing trust in the press secondly losing trust in the police and
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now we may even see them losing trust in their m.p.'s if this is not the end of this scandal certainly not and indeed the labor leader ed miliband is calling for the breakup of murdoch's media empire. of correspondent laura let's talk more about this with the author journalist barry learned those on the line from paris on our to tonight barry high the rose we heard in laura's report more pressure now on the politicians especially prime minister david cameron who's faced calls to resign from two veteran opposition employees even with the last couple of hours could this scandal bring him down at the end of the day. i really doubt it but what strikes me as most about this scandal is that everyone seems to be missing the point. that the hacking of a few phone numbers is kind of interesting but the real danger of somebody like murdoch and his operation was the tremendous political power that he has in england
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and in the united states the power that's a bad it really carried out by through the organizations the news organizations that he owns and the fear of politicians now that fear has temporarily gone away but it's a fear that can always come back because this power is still there and he's used it to rebuild an enormous empire not only in britain but in the united states and in australia and that's the point that really seems to be missing the hacking is kind of interesting and exceeding what is more than interesting you bring. your issue of what is most interesting in britain i must tell you people were revolted by a lot of what went on but let's talk about his media empire it pays to pay in taxes at the moment a can he recover from this can cope with this crisis that also appears to be spending to the u.s. now as well. yeah he may not recover from it but i think the point is
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that it's only now that people are beginning to focus on the real danger of murdoch which was this enormous conglomerate that had amassed power a tremendous amount of power which he also has in the united states americans are beginning to look at that now but only beginning i mean murdoch through the papers that he owns there and of the tremendous presence that he has in the media has been able to out to a large extent politicians in the united states as well and that's the real danger to building up this tremendous power influence. and that is what people should be looking at that's what they should be examining her and what i think the thing i said is interesting but what's what do you think is going to home to more or less focusing on tomorrow a big day of questions big that answers tomorrow a lot of the media really looking carefully at how son james is going to handle this also the former c.e.o. rebecca brooks the facing in peace questions tomorrow are we likely to see any more
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revelations lare. i'm sure there will be i mean i think what you've got is rats leaving a sinking ship and particularly reporters and reporters are love secrets and would like think when they feel angry and upset as so many of murdoch's people do now they'll be quite willing to spill a lot of b. into a lot of people are going to get hurt but i guess i insist that we should be looking at. the links these are the links between murdoch and politicians and between his news organization and major politicians not just in england but in the united states as well and that is that the americans are only beginning to do what i find interesting also about this whole thing is that both england of course and particularly the united states have spent hundreds of billions of dollars and sent the military and aids abroad to countries like afghanistan to teach people supposedly preach them how to construct democracy when at the same time operators
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like murdoch and other major media corporations and businesses and lobbyists in the united states and england are undermining democracy in those countries just quickly what does this say as well about what's this going to do. with the british public view of its police force and britain's two most senior police officers have resigned over the sky in the last forty eight hours. which is good i think it will bring a needed housecleaning to them and take them off the podium so that people big be willing to look at what was really going on under underneath all right will bear a lot of thanks for joining us from paris much appreciated. coming up on the program searching for. years the recovery operations crews of which some combustion volga river continues to bring you the latest from the scene. also this to. believe that a valley find out why twenty two thousand winners of the green card lottery seek
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their luck brought out on their way to the united states. the taliban has claimed responsibility for the assassination of the afghan president's senior adviser in the capital kabul along with one of the country's m.p.'s local security forces say they've already killed the billets and sue carried out the attack the murders come less than a week of the. brother around the country in the south was gunned down the taliban is stepping up its assault on afghan officials right now as nato troops begin to draw on sunday the lines handed over control of the first of seven designated areas to local forces bloody war activists jim brown told us the trial of military bases is being left behind. i would question to what extent they really want to leave clearly they have to present themselves as leaving whether they really intend to leave i think you can gauge by for example the amount of construction that's going on at places. bases at places like kandahar about graham and so
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on which look very permanent and involve hundreds of millions of dollars but certainly some process is going on and it may end up in a withdrawal or something that we could recognizably call a withdrawal but compared to the goals that they set themselves or that they claim for themselves ten years ago there's very little to cheer about i think you have to ask the question security for who or for walks when they talk about handing over responsibility for security because by all accounts for example the afghan army as it's called is very much biased towards ethnic groups so it starts with that handicap from the beginning so the idea that it would be an impartial force or seen to be an impartial force him to be extremely unlikely. brandon stop war coalition will be in town there's a change at the top for nato in afghanistan with general david petraeus leaving to
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take over as director of the cia he's being replaced by general john allen who will oversee the gradual transfer of responsibility for security from nato troops to local forces but it's just not like reports no for ati this concern that afghan forces are too divided too ill equipped and lacking in training to fend off the taliban on their own. there's confusion on the faces of the afghan army soldiers as a firefight unfolds on the other side of the wall lucky for them this is the kabul military training center in the bullets being fired blanks the men here halfway through a ten week program and the officers don't cut the many slack when it's over the be deployed eastern province one of afghanistan's most violent corners. but we must push them hard so they can perform under pressure day by day we're making progress the afghan national army has already come a long way its ranks have swollen to about one hundred seventy thousand troops thanks to fresh waves of recruits attracted by higher wages and extra perks the
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soldiers insist they are all united in their desire to beat back the taliban led insurgency regardless of age or ethnicity then in yarmouth we are old brothers and we are all called by one name ah by the call of duty has also struck a chord beyond able bodied males a first ever class of woman soldiers has just graduated. and there's even a mujahedeen unit made up of hardened veterans of the anti soviet jihad this is all good news to u.s. military planners who have set a two thousand and fourteen going to hand over security responsibilities to the afghans the afghan army enjoys a much better reputation in the police force and has even been featured in the recent movie. but is the army takes greater responsibility for security around the country there are concerns that the quantity of troops may be coming in the expense of quality for starters more than eighty percent of troops are illiterate a big problem with the ability to read maps and numbers can spell the difference between life and death adding to the woes are widespread drug use and desertions
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today roughly one in four combat soldiers quit their post critics also point out that the military leadership is made up of many rival x. warlords who still command loyalties along regional an ethnic lines and could drag the country deeper into conflict as the u.s. begins to scale back its role as custodian this summer there are concerns that these divisions may flare up if i was not neutral. it wouldn't be you know late ninety's you would be fighting each other you will be killing each other these people are waiting in groups of little groups to control it in yet another obstacle for a young army but still has much to prove before it can stand on its own feet jason want to live in kabul for a time. a major terror plot hatched there moscow has been followed by a russian security forces police have detained a group of four people from the north caucasus or allegedly planning the attack our correspondent in a culture never was in the caucasus for us it's got the latest. well all the members of the group that was detained by russian special forces were originally
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from the north caucasus regions and they were planning an attack in crowded areas as well as a transfer to hobbs a moscow region now special forces found guns explosives maps and casualty of the planned attack also old as the detained people have can fast and police other people there are believed to be linked to the planned attack were also found now present movies of has ordered an urgent investigation and once those who are responsible for the failed attack to be severely punished now since the start of this yeah there has been a number of terror raids and despite the fact that dozens of terrorists were killed during those operations still the potential terrorist rats' remains high according to russia's in terra ministry and today off through the news of this failed operation of this failed attack president mugabe just underlined about the situation in the region remains very tight and the last twenty four hours have seen
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two dad the blast that hit russia's north caucasus and the first one happened in change now two policemen were killed and seven of us wanted when an explosive head to such operation in the mountainous area and that was the second one happened in the republic of dagestan it was a roadside bomb detonated as car was passing by the explosion allowed to policeman and three others wounded oldies happen in the wake of what we've done to terror raids that was launched in the region in the republic of baghdad down two days ago now despite not being a number of terror raids and the fighting against terrorism goes on still the remains and search operations continue. most of course part of me doing a coaching over the course is forced through to come on to you tonight. for you to see to see what the good. patrice sent into war with the study galactic objects. to
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find out why some russian girls are showing various support for putin ahead of next year's presidential elections by taking the clothes off. the lifting of the cruiser that sank in russia's volga river last sunday killing around one hundred thirty people may take up to several days the vessel first has to be moved off its side in what's one of the operations most difficult stages the recovery could play a crucial role in fighting and says as to why the ship went down tom barton is following developments. we're up here on the volga bank about three kilometers from where the recovery attempts are taking place in the distance behind me police in all thirty's have been trying to stop journalists getting any closer to the recovery efforts and that's because late last night one of the cables holding the ball guerrier snapped and they were trying to at the time to right the ship before lifting it now they've they're attempting to repair that cable and thread it back
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underneath the ship so that they can write it and then begin to lift it divers will then be able to go under the ship to look for fifteen bodies which are yet to be found and also to try and find the causes essential to the hole that let all the water in so fast and made the bulgaria sink in under three minutes there are many people on the banks that are waiting for those answers firstly the relatives and the survivors some of them have been waiting for over a week now the news of where their loved ones may be and they also want the same answers as to why this tragedy happened as the investigators for all the criminal cases that have been opened they're going to want to know if the shit really was a so many revelations have come out saying old and decrepit in fact not even worthy to be on the water of the volga hopefully the raising of this ship will show in very short time what has remained a mystery up till now and hopefully help help provide some kind of answers as to
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why so many lives were lost in such a short space of time. some twenty two thousand people who won a green card lottery deliver america good luck seemed suddenly to have deserted them their dreams of a new life are dashed when the u.s. state department claimed a bit of computer error and that the results were no longer valid there the stories cast fresh doubt to on the way the lottery operates as artie's gun teacher can found out. hoping for a better life in america will quote from nigeria applied for the green card lottery he won or so it said in the letter that he received from the state department almost two weeks later the us voided the results of the lottery for some twenty two thousand people including a war that i want to launch in full force that i'm going lotteries want to get away from. it's one for each year the u.s. state department grants green cards to some fifty thousand people from around the globe the lottery where the jackpot is the right to live and work in america is
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advertised as completely random the state department claims in this case there was a computer glitch and the results were not arbitrary a computer programming error caused more than ninety percent of the selectees to come from the first two days of the registration period the victims of the blunder have joined in a class action suit against the u.s. state department and lost the court here has been struggling with the issue of randomness asking how could the result of the green card lottery not be random even if there had been a computer glitch as the state department claims one of the arguments is that even in the era like that could produce a random result and the whole idea behind the green card lottery is that whoever you are whatever you do you can win it but this case could very well undermine that perception experts specializing in information technology say the decision of the state department as well as the court that dismissed the case defies simple logic
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rhonda means that if all the records of all the tracks are on your cd player when you hit the run you may get tracks three four and five and track twelve that's still run the state department has brought up intricate technical arguments to explain the blunder that thousands of its victims say they have the feeling that someone has gambled with their lives we believe that america. going to shut down our t.v. washington d.c. . in more world news tonight libyan rebels say they've taken control of the key eastern turning those forces loyal to colonel gadhafi retreating to the west but further fighting is likely in the city with around two under gadhafi troops still holed up in buildings there an important oil town about seven hundred fifty kilometers east of the capital has changed hands several times now since the uprising began. in february. a court in budapest was cleared ninety seven year old hungary and manner of nazi war crimes shown daughter k.p.
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away former police captain denied being involved in the massacre of civilian hostages in serbia during world war two it was alleged a patrol under his command took part in the murder of jews and serbs in a raid by hungary and forces in one thousand nine hundred two more than twelve hundred people were killed in the tories. the lonely vigil of nasa's hubble telescope in orbits come to an end as it now gets to share the job of looking deeper into the universe than anyone's done before russia has sent up its own eye in the sky and it's got the sharpest site in the galaxy. it was at the launch pad to see it all for us. this is the moment to russian space scientists have been waiting for for decades the space observatory it creaked with the cutting edge telescope a huge step in universities for ration as an enormous i will be able to see further and deeper than ever before it with the possible to observe the most mysterious the darkest and the most shadow corners of our galaxy and other galaxies as well and
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stars even will be able to observe black holes and shed light on their dark nature and these huge enormous i will be able to provide detailed images detailed pictures of the universe with a resolution a thousand times shop but then america's. i'll let you enjoy the moment. the so i'm really. ready. to. help. and. we will receive the first images of the universe. reports in from baikonur. over to the launch of this amazing observatory on our website. you can get the full picture there and a place where else we go along as well these stories as some desperate financial
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problems continue to terrify you are we bring you expert analysis and opinion how the scale of the problem just keeps rising places were about to go home tonight also another story no more secrets russian mobile phone. messages including infinite ones. were made public overload on my one on one tonight ok. so twenty three pm here in moscow now with less than a year left before the next presidential election in russia voters already come. with her own ideas of how to support a potential candidate and is one of the more extraordinary ones we've got hold of online campaign has been launched urging young women to be uprooted by ripping off their clothes you heard me correctly a group calling itself the putin army is behind the move girls are invited to send in videos of me stripping off with prizes for the winners of the stunts becoming
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something of a tradition in russia you may recall last year students from a top university posed for a raunchy calendar expressing their love for the premiere. no way i could follow that but i can tell you in twenty minutes time we've got a sport for this monday night with you and discover who was the latest giant of but wolf what would fall out of a cop america this weekend business now though the most here. hello and welcome to the business updates on our team but all of us of b.p. is considering a bid for two major russian oil firms sky news quotes people close to tony hayward saying he's interested in both. of course one of many in the course of it looks at how likely such a deal could be. tony hayward the rothschild have been looking to invest ever since their company's float on the london stock exchange last month they raised over two billion dollars which could hardly fund the acquisition of russian oil producers
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they have every snap worth around twelve billion dollars the stakes in question of what the ball from russians like rubbing where you have to send those holding company a if cases the emma none of the companies being talked about have made an official statement but analysts we've spoken to believe that such a deal could be possible if they has repeatedly said that it has no interest in selling out their anger but on the say the price being talked about is good enough to make a if they take it seriously especially since all companies i know it's poor business at the same time envious all and natural gas corp has been in talks with passion if ever you see have to merge the two companies and buy its twenty five percent stake all whoever ends up getting these assets one thing is for sure and that is that they will be getting access to one of the biggest discovery oil fields in russia. those stories now russia's ferg largest oil producer. is continuing its
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international expansion the company has agreed to buy a forty five percent stake in exploration project in the amazon forest you recovers around fifty thousand square kilometers and holds over five hundred million barrels of oil equivalent sources close to the deal say he could pay up to one billion dollars. so you look at the markets now and will is low of very sharp drop actually investors are concerned about the worsening debt crisis in europe and the united states that it all may slow down the economy in a way and fuel them on the nose so the dollar is strong versus the euro for dollar nominated said such as crude oil on going down in the u.s. and stock markets. opening blow up after a measure of building confidence showed a bit of improvement in july but no prospects for further improvement beveled down down that the dow is down one point three percent rather european stocks ended the day one point five five percent down the stress test results have just been
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published and they've shown lenders may have to raise additional cash bank is leading the downside rally and therefore what we're seeing in london and in frankfurt is a shop till it's moved to russia also the close of monday sessions for both indices dropped more than one and a half percent and this is still a ways you for this week's e.u. summit which leaders will once again try to find a solution to the greek debt problem but so far they are trying to remain cautious vigilant and not invest into the long term assets let's take a look at some of the main movers on the my sex then because oil is dropping so much was now lost more than two percent d.t.b. was down one half percent despite publishing project financial results and a good exception was pauline that's all it was on the rise of almost four percent as the rest of the people safe haven in the gold related assets let me but i can wraps up today's trip. rick your idea for today for investors was their prices in
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europe and the stock markets was negative while marcus was the bottom one percent which is comparable to european stock markets losses good news is oil prices stay sky gold prices they're thinking and which drives some historical stocks to new highs for the metal which added about three point six percent which is quite different from ours assaults on increases in my bid to talk more of the day my business r.t. will be back in fifty minutes time comes next with its. emission
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comes an r.s.s. feeds with the palm of your. question on the dot com. hello this is our team from moscow thanks for being with us robbie watching around the world is kevin knowing that i had one update for you in first the taliban steps up sometime afghan officials claiming responsibility for more high ranking becomes as nato begins to hand over control of the country provinces to local for. is facing a huge question marks over their ability to cope with. the crisis involving rupert murdoch's media empire spreads to the british police the country's most senior policeman has been followed by his deputy quitting over their links to newspaper executives and brought in the scandal over phone hacking bribery. and russian
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security forces for a major terror plot in moscow police have arrested a group of people in the north caucasus with legend planning an attack on crowded areas of major transport hubs. a russian cosmic companion for the hubble telescope blasted off into war with help explore the deepest secrets of the universe the radio as strong as unparalleled equipment can penetrate even the furthest reaches of the galaxy so the boffins say russia's space chief now then outlines his out of the world plan. russia is launching its biggest space telescope at a huge orbit earth and carefully observe our universe looking deeper and further to shed light on the darkest and most mysterious corners of our galaxy and others what does this mean for us and for russia which is now the only country on earth capable
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of offering space launches as america's shuttle program close's they had a recent space agency ross costless is here with me thank you very much mr paul for joining us especially thank you for inviting me well americans have all will now have company in our bit is the russian telescope looking to discover something hubble's missing during all the years it's been operating deal with foreign scientists not the russian ones certain or telescope is more interesting than the hubble space telescope in terms of making new findings it's a very profound slimed start implies a high degree of relativity of the final result it's difficult to forecast anything here to telescope makes it possible to monitor the emergence of new stars and galaxies in a radio frequency band to see how the whole process goals hungover some statistical data on the basis of which it would be possible to predict the dynamics of development of our planet and the universe and to understand why we have all come from and what's what.


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